Seeing 'Good Friends' in person

After months of meeting on Zoom, a group of our Good Friends participants met in person for the first time:

“We met at a lovely little cafe on the Isle of Dogs and it was so nice seeing the people that I have considered to be my friends for a long time. We sat outside and drank coffee and chatted for hours!  I did not feel awkward at all because we chatted easily and I think the others felt the same. 

“For a long time I have felt like a social hermit.  I don’t blame the pandemic because I have been feeling this way since before that came along.  Dymphna’s Zoom meetings and the lovely people that I have come to know through those meetings, have helped me to overcome this feeling that I want to be alone. 

“[The] meet-up was so good for me! I have made some new friends who don’t judge me and I don’t judge them. We know one another’s weaknesses and have at times helped one another to feel better about ourselves.  

We have all agreed that we will continue to meet every now and then and I think we will stay friends. 

I want to thank Social Action for Health and especially Dymphna [the facilitator].  Dymphna’s outgoing personality and the time and effort she put into all those Zoom meetings is a definite success story.   Well done!”

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